Order Picking Solutions

Order Picking Solutions

Easy To Set Up And Intuitive To Operate, Our Picking Solutions Boost Your Batch And Multi-Order Process. Pair With Modula Automated Storage Solutions, They Further Drive Order Accuracy, Efficiency And Reliability.

Picking Solutions Benefits

Visual, intuitive, and easy to implement for a fast and efficient order fulfillment.

Improve picking speed: By decreasing the searching time for items and replacing pick tickets and shipping lists.

Improve picking accuracy: Light devices guide users, making picking accurated and eliminating errors.

Improve inventory management: Paperless picking solutions offer a real-time view of current and forecast inventory, increasing profitability.

Simple and intuitive solutions: Computer-aided picking and inventory tracking improves worker effectiveness and satisfaction.

Increase profitability: An accurate view of inventory helps prevent over-or under-ordering, saving costs and improving overall performance.

Easy learning curve to operate: Thanks to a simple and easy-to-follow user guidance, the train


Modula Put To Light

How Put to Light works
Break large product quantities into individual orders
Put to Light Systems, also referred to as ‘scan and sort,”  allow you to break large product quantities into individual orders. Light devices indicate the location on a station or cart and the number of items needed for the order.

Each time an item is slotted into the correct position, the user presses a confirmation button to indicate the task is complete.

Designed to Maximize Efficiency

Fast and efficient order picking
By picking and putting multiple orders, operators save time and don’t need to perform cumbersome manual tasks, such as reviewing pick tickets or paper lists.

Thanks to the integration with the Modula WMS, all operations are monitored, offering a real-time view of order status and inventory.

Even more Flexibility with the Modula Picking App

With the new Modula Picking App, operators can freely move around the warehouse while keeping all processes instantly updated and under control.

Designed to Maximize Efficiency

Modula warehouse management system (WMS) provides a complete inventory management, seamlessly integrated with our customer’s choice of ERP or DMS.


  •  Pre-configured to readily integrate with your ERP or DMS
  • User-friendly interfaces and short training times
  • Complete visibility into inventory and operations
  • Eliminates Pick/Put errors and increases efficiency
  • Integration with RF scanners and external picking aids
  • Expandable to grow with your business as needed